Monday, May 25–Virtual One Hundred Nights of Taps Gettysburg 2020
May 19, 2020Wendy Allen to 100 Nights of Taps Gettysburg 2020
Virtual One Hundred Nights of Taps, Gettysburg, 2020
Opening Ceremony, May 25, 7:00 p.m. on Facebook and YouTube
For the fourth year, the notes of “Taps” will be sounded in Gettysburg every evening this summer to honor of those who have served our nation. The program will take place virtually through internet live-streaming. In order to act in the best interest of public safety, Gettysburg National Military Park has informed The Lincoln Fellowship of Pennsylvania that, until further notice, any on-site programming for “One Hundred Nights of Taps, Gettysburg, 2020” within Soldiers’ National Cemetery is temporarily suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. If and when the Fellowship receives an “all-clear” for on-site programming, we will again meet, outdoors, at the base of the beautiful Soldiers’ National Monument in Gettysburg National Military Park to resume the ceremony as it was intended to be.
The Lincoln Fellowship, in partnership with Taps for Veterans and Gettysburg National Military Park, will stream the virtual program at 7 p.m. every evening from Memorial Day (May 25) through Labor Day (September 7) through Facebook and YouTube. We welcome any and all members of the public to join us online at:
and on our One Hundred Nights of Taps, Gettysburg, 2020 YouTube channel.